Gravity & Information

In this theory we propose gravity as a regulator of information proliferation in the universe. It is a novel hypothesis that integrates concepts from quantum mechanics, cosmology, and information theory.


As an artist/explorer, my practice typically follows an intuitive path.

The first step is to work from an initial intuition in a medium where I am under-skilled, then iteratively learn and grow (through lots of failure) till I can make a meaningful contribution. Over the past few years, I've explored the worlds of Theoretical Physics and Cosmology. I was not educated as a Physicist but have discovered a particular joy in going deep into Physics' theories, frameworks, and proposals about the fundamental nature of reality.

As a non-expert, is there any value in attempting to participate meaningfully in a field without having a history of proven contribution? Can a baby (me) become a rocket scientist (physics)? With time, perhaps. Once you let go of your ego and allow yourself to look a little foolish, there is a wonder-filled world to explore.

In one of my Ph.D. Proposals, I ask if non-expert citizen scientists can utilize advancements in Artificial Intelligence to contribute meaningfully to various scientific fields. Science is a method and not magic, so it can be practiced like any other creative discipline.

As I've explored theories in Gravity, Information Theory, and Cosmology, I couldn't help but identify a relationship between them. Below is a proposal for a new theory of gravity, incorporating entropy, quantum entanglement, and an information theoretic view of the universe.


There aren't many Physicists in my DMs so I decided to use GPT4 as a tool to assist me in structuring and clarifying this work. Don't worry, the Ai made sure to remind me:

...this is a novel and speculative hypothesis that may not align with current consensus views in physics. It combines concepts from different fields in novel ways and its development into a coherent and testable theory would require significant advances in our understanding of these areas. - GPT4

Here is a summary of the work we did together:

• We started discussing a hypothesis that gravity acts as a mechanism to slow the proliferation of information (via the increase of entropy) in the cosmos.

• We examined this idea within the context of the universe's expansion, entropy, and the concept of Shannon information.

• We further elaborated the concept by introducing the idea of the universe oscillating between states of high information (State 1) and low information (State 0).

• We proposed that gravity may act as a 'compressor', both amplifying the base state, lifting it from the low state of zero entropy and then reducing the increase as it approaches the high state – like an audio compressor works with sound amplitudes.

• Quantum entanglement was introduced as a potential mechanism for information exchange.

• The proposal aims to tie together these concepts: Gravity as a 'compressor' of entropy, the oscillation between states of high and low information, and quantum entanglement.

• This framework was then considered in the context of cosmological models like the Big Crunch and Big Bounce.

• The discussion also touched on Shannon information theory and the wave function of the universe.

The Theory

Title: Gravity as a Regulator of Information Proliferation in the Universe (A Hypothesis)


We propose a novel hypothesis that integrates concepts from quantum mechanics, cosmology, information theory, and general relativity to suggest a possible role of gravity in regulating the proliferation of information within the universe. This hypothesis frames gravity as a "compressor" that controls the rate of increase of the universe's entropy, thereby acting as a regulatory mechanism for the spread of information.


1) Entropy as Information

We consider entropy as a measure of the amount of information in the universe or the randomness/uncertainty of the universe's state. This entropy is hypothesized to oscillate between a maximum (State 1) and a minimum (State 0), reflecting changes in the information content of the universe.

2) Gravity as a Compressor

We propose that gravity acts as a "compressor" on the universe's entropy. It "lifts" the universe's entropy from its minimum state during the transition from State 0 to State 1, while during expansion, it "controls" the entropy, preventing it from increasing beyond a certain point.

3) The Universe's Wave Function

We assume a universal wave function that evolves over time, encoding all the information about the universe. We propose that the oscillation between State 1 and State 0 is reflected as an oscillation in the universal wave function, influenced by gravity.

4) Shannon's Information Theory

We adopt Shannon's view of entropy as a measure of the uncertainty or randomness of an information source. Our hypothesis is that gravity regulates this uncertainty, keeping it within certain bounds.

5) Cosmological Expansion and Big Crunch

We frame the universe's expansion and potential eventual collapse (the Big Crunch) as a cycle of information proliferation (during expansion) and compression (during collapse), with gravity serving as the regulating mechanism.

6) Quantum Entanglement

We consider quantum entanglement as a potential mechanism for information exchange in the universe, with gravity potentially influencing the degree or rate of entanglement.

7) Potential Concerns

This model is highly speculative and untested, and it does not represent a current consensus or established theory. It attempts to bridge several fields in a way that is not currently supported by established physics. Additionally, the physical interpretation of some terms are unclear, and deriving these ideas from first principles would require significant advances in theoretical physics.

Next Steps

We (my sweet Ai and I) are seeking collaborators to further develop this model into a coherent and testable theory, which would involve a deeper understanding and integration of quantum gravity, quantum cosmology, and the relationship between information theory and physics.

If that sounds like you, hit me up!
